Part-Time Care with WeeSitt

WeeSitt is built to provide consistent part-time care! We search for the best Nannies in Los Angeles and put them through our rigorous WeeScreen process. WeeSitt gives you the option to review available Nannies or you can request a specific Nanny if you don’t see a match, at no additional cost.

We take the stress out of finding a Nanny, by placing you with one of ours.
— Sophie Sargent, CEO


Meet our Nannies

WeeSitt has a special hiring and screening team that finds the best Nannies in the Los Angeles Area. We have hand-selected these candidates to take the stress out of hiring a Nanny. All Nannies must pass our WeeScreen which includes full background and reference check.

The Hiring Process

Choose an available Nanny from the Nanny Network or let WeeSitt do the matching for you. Once you find a Nanny that you love, we will schedule a working trial, phone call, or zoom call - all at your preference.

Hire your Nanny through WeeSitt and pay a set hourly rate, no additional fees. Let us handle all scheduling, payments, and back-up care. WeeSitt will be there every step of the way with 24/7 support.